Saturday, April 2, 2011

Will the ghosts of dead plants ever seek revenge?

For the first time in my adult life, I went out and bought a couple of tomato plants, and plopped them into the planter on the patio. Now, the deathwatch begins.

The surprising part of all this is that it's normally Gayle who has such good intentions in the spring, spending hours of time readying the planters, picking out just the correct plants (or seeds, as she did this year in Kentucky) and tending them with loving care.

Life being what it is, this loving care normally lasts for the first 2 weeks.  After that, the poor plants are left on their own, to survive or not as weather and roaming critters dictate.  Much the same can be said about indoor plants. t's not that Gayle is irresponsible, but rather that something else always seems to come up.  I've notice that this is evidently something taught to artists and crafters, in that there's always something else that comes up.   Now, I'm just as guilty of foliage homicide as Gayle, when it comes to the indoor plants.  In this, Mikey and I are in agreement...if the plant wants water, it can go to the sink and get it itself.  Of course, Mikey is a full accomplice in planticide...he has yet to meet one that he doesn't think is delicious.  He'll go to any extreme to get to a plant to nibble on, especially if the plant in question is fresh cut flowers. When I object to this behavior, I get the "but...they're FLOWERS!  Of course I'm gonna eat 'em!" argument, which is actually what Mikey considers an exceptionally well thought out argument. He's a pretty big cat, but I aways hear the voice of the yeti from the old Bugs Bunny cartoons riffing on Lenny.."duh, gee George.  Which way did the little bunny rabbit go, George?"

Jules, the more intellegent of the two, is fully cognizant of the fact that he's a carnivore, and much prefers raw meat to any plant.  He's pretty damned smug about it, too.

From all this, I'm sure you've figured out that, for plants, our door should have "abandon all hope, ye who enter here". So, back to the original thought...what would a haunting by a plant be like?  Hmm...maybe that explains the horrendous mildew on my shower curtain!

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