Monday, April 4, 2011

Lunching to to sounds of tornado sirens

Today we had a massive cold front come through Memphis, which gave our local tv stations the opportunity to cover the accompanying thunderstorms as if they were the apocalypse. Granted, we had a tornado warning in place for a while, which means we were all grouped together in the back hallway of the clinic, waiting for the all clear.  But I've never seen such ludicrous, overblown behavior by meteorologists in my life.  I'll be very surprised if they don't preempt all regularly schedule programming tonight, just so that they can say that they were protecting the residents of their viewing area.

I was worried about the effect the deluge was going to have on the tomatoes I planted this past weekend.  I seem to remember that last year the planter I used had a bad habit of just filling up with water, and not really draining.  But, when I finally got home from work, everything looked fine.  Go figure.

Ever since moving here, I've noticed that every time it rains with a little more intensity than a mist, most of the traffic lights on the only direct route between work and home go out.  Now we're talking about a divided 4 lane highway that carries a ton of traffic, it being the only major north/south route for at least 5 miles .  So, when the traffic lights are out, it's easier going the 5+ miles out of the way to get home. I've always been able to cope with long drives much better than long waits in traffic.

The boys were unimpressed with the storm, or at least didn't bother to tell me if they had any issues with it.  Seeing how storms don't normally keep food from the bowls, the cats tend to consider them entertainment, once they decide the loud noises can't get them.

1 comment:

  1. Joe's office bldg in Waverly was trashed. Windows blew out around him standing there. He was as lucky he didn't get lanced by glass as I was when the pyrex pie plate exploded.

    OTOH, husband, glad to see you're alive :-)
