Monday, September 26, 2011


It's been a busy month so far.  A big project going on at work, and major changes in the in-law arena.

In-laws first.

My father in law went from being a contrary, way too ambulatory pain in my wife's ass to a vaguely responsive nursing home resident that spends his days in a wheelchair.  This is not really unexpected, as he has finally had a definitive diagnosis of Alzheimers, but this all happened in the space of 10 days.  Gayle had to call an ambulance for him, as he'd fallen multiple times in one day, and was slurring his words, and she was afraid he'd had a stroke. He was in the hospital for about 5 days, then was placed in a nursing home in Paducah.  We're trying to get him a bed in the western Tennessee Veterans Home, which is a VA approved nursing facility, and only about an hour and a half away from Memphis.  We're hoping to get this done before medicaid kicks in, and they put a lien against all of the family assets, as the mother in law will still need resources to live, etc.

At work we're to the point of pushing the new Pacs client out to the xray techs to start getting used to.  As I've written before, Pacs is the generic term for xray/mri/ct/etc image storage and manipulation.  We're full on nearing the go-live portion of a project that has us moving images from 2 older systems to the new, and redirecting all of our xray/mri/ct/etc devices to store their images to the new servers.  All in all, it's been actually fun.  This is the part of IT that I really enjoy, so its been fun no matter the frustrations.

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