Sunday, October 9, 2011

weddings, strokes and anniverseries

My son got married on the 30th of September.  Gayle and i went to Frankfort for the celebration,and it was a good trip all around.  The weather didn't cooperate fully, but at least it didn't rain.  This was an outdoor wedding, and so of course it was cloudy, very windy and cool.  None of that really mattered, as the ceremony was beautiful ( the bride is an antropology major, and included a handfasting ceremony into the standard wedding vows) and everything came off without a hitch.

Here's a picture of Josh and Maurya, presented as Mister and Ms Allen:

The groom and attendants wore UT orange, and the bride and attendants wore UK Blue.  All in all, a wonderful event. Congrats and best wishes always, kids.

Gayle's dad was scheduled to be evaluated by a new nursing home on Friday morning.  Instead, he was found on the toilet having had a minor stroke.  So, he's in the hospital again. On top of that, we had to give up his bed at his current nursing home due to them wanting $250 + per day to hold it.  We think that he'll be accepted at one with a medicare/medicaid ward, but we just have to wait and see.  He's already been turned down by the Tennessee Veterans Home as too combative, and the same at 3 other nursing homes.  We suspect that the stroke will do away with a lot of the combativeness, at least we hope so.

The end of September brought the 1 year anniversary of my mom's death.  RIP, June.  At least, don't actively haunt any of were contrary enough during life.

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