Since we last visited, I've been lurking on various tech blogs. I've come to the considered opinion that this one is never going to be a deep level technical blog. After all, I'd rather just blather, than having to make sure that every single detail of every post is dead-on accurate. That being said, on with the blather.
We're dead on in the middle of Memphis summer, and while I normally don't put much stock in wind chill and heat index nonsense, when the temp and the humidity are both in the 90's, it's flat out miserable. And this from a man who grew up without air conditioning in East Tennessee. And no, it's not the age, or the mileage!
At work we're getting ready to replace our digital xray storage system with a new one, and that means that I've been putting in the hours building a test environment to (well, duh) test this stuff. It consists of one Equallogic SAN, one D-Link SAN, one ESXi 4.1 host, 2 pizza box servers acting as the vCenter server and the DC for the test domain, 2 cisco switches and an exceptionally old cisco 2600 router. During the process of getting all of this cabled up and configured, I proved the the definition of insanity...doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. The servers, SANs and switches were a breeze. The @#$#@$$@#$#@# router wouldn't let me configure the sub-interfaces so that I could route between VLANs. The final solution (just to get the tests going...I refuse to give up anything to an uppity piece of crap router) was to build the network flat...a class C subnet, single vlan with connections between the switches via dot1q trunk ports. Success! Tomorrow is the main test day, to make sure that I've gotten everything ready for the migration, but I'm reasonably sure that it'll all work out.
I'm going to get a recorder out so that the next time Mikey comes howling though the apartment I can record it. I've had a lot of cats, and have know a lot more, and have never heard anything like the noises that comes out of that boy's mouth. Julian of course tries to ignore anything Mikey does, unless it has to to with food.
Ok, you can plan on more posts, more often. Consider yourself warned!
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