Saturday, December 10, 2011

The "On Call" ball and chain

This is my week to be on call at the clinic. Due to an overdeveloped work ethic, I actually take this seriously.  That means that I cannot be more than an hour away from the clinic, in order to respond should anything go wrong. Now, since I'm the systems admin, this generally means that I respond to major systems outages anyway, but when on call I try to schedule tasks that have to be done during the off hours. So, today I got to go to our Collierville office to swap out a dead printer.  To me, this is what a career in IT means...  unconventional hours, being the only person in a huge office building, and the satisfaction of doing a good job. The boys I work with look at it from a different perspective. The last 2 weeks saw the one on call at least 200 miles away from the clinic, and very dependent on the generosity of their coworkers should anything have gone wrong. Bad examples from their parents, or just a product of their generation? Also, as far as I know neither has ever intentionally scheduled work for themselves for the weekend that wasn't specifically requested by the boss. Yeah, I know...pretty big talk for a baby boomer, the generation not known for their work ethic.

Well, I think that the beginning of the new year will change these attitudes, as we'll now be getting $150 for each week we're on call. Will cash work when everything else has failed? Stay tuned...

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